Spectacular Video of Sperm Whales Communicating with Divers Using Clicking Noises

Imagine swimming in the open ocean with the world’s largest predator without the aid of any scuba breathing equipment. This is what a dedicated group of citizen scientists is doing as they try to understand how sperm whales communicate. Writer James Nestor joined them and shares some amazing video of sperm whales during a welcoming … Read more

6 Routines That Can Help Keep Your Brain Sharp

A question that creeps into everyone’s thoughts at middle age is whether age-related cognitive decline is inevitable? Names come to mind more slowly, you misplace things more often, you forget a birthday or anniversary… But we are told fear not! Experts say these are normal signs of aging, not a problem unless it begins to … Read more

Bill Gates Secretly Funded Solar Project that Could End Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Anyone who has tried to use the glut of solar powered yard decorations that dot the aisles of lawn and garden stores knows you’re lucky if they glow past 9 pm and manage to last for an entire summer. Sure, there are a few homes and offices around our communities with large rooftop solar panels, … Read more

China is Trashing the Ocean But We’ve All Helped

There are 10 rivers in the world that carry 93% of trash into the world’s oceans. “The Yangtze, Yellow, Hai, Pearl, Amur, Mekong, Indus and Ganges Delta in Asia, and the Niger and Nile in Africa. The Yangtze alone dumps up to an estimated 1.5 million metric tons of plastic waste into the Yellow Sea.” … Read more

Helping Nemo Find Home: How Underwater “Coral” Concerts Restore Fish Populations to Dying Reefs!

Some exciting research was published in late 2019 by a team of researchers from the UK and Australia looking at how to repopulate damaged coral reefs.1 You might have seen headlines like “To Help Coral Reefs Come Back, Fake It (With Sound) ‘Til Fish Make It”2 or “Scientists Used Loudspeakers to Make Dead Coral Reefs … Read more

Can You Guess Who Is The World’s Top Corporate Plastic Polluter?

Break Free From Plastic (BFFP) is a global movement working to stop plastic pollution. They are adding teeth to the concept of volunteer cleanups by transforming cleanup participants into citizen scientists to produce audits of the plastics collected during cleanups to identify the brands behind the discarded plastics. In September 2019, BFFP mobilized over 72,000 … Read more

What Is Your Dog Telling You When It Paws You? We May Have Some Answers.

There is a question making the rounds among dog lovers…What does it mean when your dog paws you? We are not talking a high five with your dog or a response when asked to shake hands. We’re talking about when your dog reaches out and gently touches you, usually with a seriously sweet and somewhat … Read more

Could Fracking Be Responsible for What Residents Believe Is A Spike in Childhood Cancer in Pennsylvania?

Profile photo of child in cancer treatment

Update: “The Pennsylvania attorney general’s office filed 15 criminal charges against Cabot Oil & Gas Corp, nine of them felonies. Cabot has not yet entered a plea.” – USA Today, PressConnects, 22 June 2020.  The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette had been running a series of articles since March of 2019 following an investigation by the Pennsylvania Department … Read more

That Glass of Almond Milk…Honeybees are Dying for You to Drink It

The Guardian published an eye-opening article about the impact of America’s growing love for everything almond and the devastating impact it is having on the country’s honeybee population. Our consumption of almond milk alone has increased 250% over the last five years and the California almond industry, already home to 80% of the world’s almond … Read more

Can Common Prescription Drugs Change Your Personality or Your Brain?

When starting a new prescription drug (or even an over-the-counter medication), how many of us don’t bother to discuss potential side effects with our health care provider or take the time to read the patient insert? For some drugs—and some people—such a “no brainer” could actually be risky. Here is a quick look at research … Read more