FarmCams! If You Need a Farm Fix, Check Out These LiveCam’s!

Pig Looking at Camera

We’ve all had fun with virtual visits to an amazing array of museums, theatrical performances, and concerts from around the world. But those of us who yearn to get out and see some farm animals and rich soil may still be wanting. Take heart…we have some terrific live FarmCams lined up just for you! If … Read more

Agility Training Isn’t Just for Dogs: Hamsters, Gerbils, Even Guinea Pigs Can Be Stars!

Photo of jumping hamster

Agility training is a popular sport for people who enjoy more structured activities with their dogs. According to the website of famous dog behavior expert, Cesar Millan, agility training helps your pup realize its innate hunting skills, is great exercise for your pet, helps get the human owner in shape, and strengthens the human-dog bond.1 … Read more

Tragically, Plastic Waste Smells Like Dinner to Hungry Sea Turtles

It has long been said that sea turtles eat plastic bags because they look like jellyfish. Matthew Savoca, a doctoral student in Ecology at the University of California Davis, wasn’t content to accept this as the only reason. Surely there was more to it. He devoted his dissertation research to understanding why marine animals confused … Read more

Now for Some Good News About the Environment!

Crane in Gloucestershire

While we want to engage with our readers about issues affecting the environment, we worry that a never-ending stream of dire news makes it seem like meaningful change is impossible. So, we decided to highlight some good news in this brief compilation of progress in reestablishing majestic cranes in Britain, an update on efforts to … Read more

Ghost Forests: Sad Legacies of Climate Change

Forests are in the fight of the century. Covering almost 30% of the earth, forests provide a home to 80% of life on land, including plants, animals, and insects.1  Millions of acres of trees are lost to drought, heat stress, insect attacks, fires, and rising sea levels. Often several of these factors work together to … Read more

Truly Biodegradable Straws and Cutlery Made From Avocado Pits

An innovative company looks to end plastic pollution by using a waste product that was, until now, burned in landfills by the millions of pounds every year. What are we talking about? Avocado pits, the seeds at the heart of avocados used to make the guacamole that so many of us love. In recent years, … Read more

Community-Supported Agriculture (CSA) Needs You Now

Box of vegetables from local farm

If you’ve always done your best to dodge invitations to go in on a share (aka, subscription) to a CSA farm (community-supported agriculture), this might be the year you change your mind. For many people, the lure of fresh fruits and veggies delivered weekly by a local farmer to a central neighborhood pick-up point just … Read more

5 (Easy) Steps To Change Your LIFEstyle – One Person’s Success Story

My friend kept trying different exercise programs, but nothing seemed to stick. Some soul searching reminded her that her happiest exercise days were 20 years before when she did extensive bicycle touring. Rather than thinking it would be impossible to regain the fitness that came with that pastime, she decided to immerse herself in bicycle … Read more

Healthier Food Choices Could Dramatically Decrease Agriculture’s Environmental Impact

Dr. David Tilman at the University of Minnesota has been at this for a while. He traced urbanization and income growth around the world between 1961 and 2009 and linked it with increased consumption of refined sugars and refined fats brought about people adopting more meat intensive western-style diets. In 2014 he published research in … Read more