In the education sector of Singapore, a principal made a bold move. With excellent foresight ahead of his students’ exams, he penned a thoughtful letter to the parents. His intention was to underline the significance of each child’s inherent skills, talents, passions, and exceptional gifts. A message to bear in mind; grades do not reflect the entirety of a child’s success. They merely measure the success of a specific objective but disregard any new pursuits, passions, or talents that aren’t directly tied to academic grading.
The Overlooked Potential of a Child’s Abilities
As parents and grandparents, we might occasionally fail to remember this concept. It’s easy to forget that earning good grades is only one facet of childhood and performance. There are myriad skills, talents, creative ideas, and passions that bloom within young minds. Yet, these often remain undiscovered due to the rigid structure and stoic environment of the school system.
A principal in Singapore recognized this gaps in assessment among his students – and their parents. His solution was to write a subtle reminder for the parents just before the exams were taken. His message was heartfelt:
“The exams of your children are to start soon. I know you are all really anxious for your child to do well. But, please do remember, among the students who will be sitting for the exams there is an artist, who doesn’t need to understand Math… There is an entrepreneur, who doesn’t care about History or English literature… There is a musician, whose Chemistry marks won’t matter… There’s an athlete… whose physical fitness is more important than Physics… if your child does get top marks, that’s great! But if he or she doesn’t… please don’t take away their self-confidence and dignity from them. Tell them it’s OK, It’s just an exam! They are cut out for much bigger things in life. Tell them, no matter what they score… you love them and will not Judge them.”
This proclamation garnered considerable attention and sparked an online buzz. The post went viral, with countless people sharing it all over Facebook. It’s such a vital message, often overlooked and unheard, that resonated with many.

Tapping into a Child’s Creative Potential
Spotting a child’s creativity and skills to encourage their development is a process that can be executed in several ways. Below, we delve into five impactful strategies that can be adopted:
- Observe their hobbies and interests: Youngsters often immerse themselves in activities that they adore, showcasing their creativity and skills during playtime. Discover these talents by watching what your child enjoys doing in their spare time. They may like playing an instrument, building things, writing stories, or even drawing. Encourage them to pursue these interests and support their progress in those areas.
- Use open-ended questions: Open-ended inquiries foster creative thinking. Ask your child questions that unleash their imagination and make them think outside the box. For instance, they could create their own video game or toy from scratch.
- Encourage experimentation: Creative thinking often implies trying out novel ideas and taking risks. Push your child to experiment and play around with diverse ideas, even if they don’t always work out. Praise their attempts and help them learn from their mistakes.
- Provide opportunities for collaboration: Collaboration with others can spur creativity and enhance social skills in children. Inspire your youngster to collaborate with friends, siblings, or classmates on projects. Collaborative efforts can kindle new ideas and allow children to learn from other perspectives.
- Celebrate their achievements: Always celebrate your child’s creative accomplishments. Display their artwork or writings publicly, attend their performances, or share their achievements with family and friends. This recognition boosts self-esteem and motivates them to delve deeper into their creative side.
Success Is More Than Just Academic Performance
The true value of a child can’t simply be quantified through their academic scores. Many successful entrepreneurs, and even creative geniuses, have discarded formal education because they found enjoyment and passion in their own creative pursuits, which they gave all their time and energy. The important lesson here is to remember that next time you think about reprimanding your child for inadequate performance, remind yourself of these words of wisdom from the Singapore principal.
Realigning Parental Expectations
This heartfelt plea from an educational leader serves as an important message to all parents: “Please remember, one exam mark will not determine your child’s future. Their dreams and talent matter. And please, do not think that doctors, and engineers are the only happy people in the world.”
Many thanks to Russell Brunson for originally sharing this inspiration.

Don’t Let a Result Alter Your Perception of Your Child
While the Singaporean principal’s message resonated with many parents, this isn’t to say that other parents didn’t struggle with putting the advice into practice. It’s not easy to detach our children’s academic performance from our perception of their potential. However, there’s a widespread consensus among successful educators and business leaders that traditional markers of academic success do not necessarily equate to real-world success.
Creative Thinking: An Overlooked Skill
In a 2010 IBM poll of 1,500 CEOs worldwide, creativity was identified as the most crucial factor for future success. Yet, it’s a skill that’s often overlooked in traditional education systems. Our current, standardized testing-focused educational environment can obstruct rather than encourage creativity. When children are conditioned to think there’s only one right answer, they are less likely to think outside the box and discover new solutions to problems.
Parents Can Harness Creativity
While we can’t control the education system our children are a part of, we can nurture their creativity at home. Here are some strategies for doing just that:
- Encourage curiosity: Children are naturally curious. Encourage them to ask questions and explore their interests. According to a study published in the Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, curiosity is one of the strongest markers of academic success.
- Create a conducive environment: Provide your child with a safe space to express themselves freely. An environment that encourages creativity and experimentation fosters problem-solving and critical thinking skills, studies suggest.
- Emphasize process over product: Focus on their thought process rather than the end product. Praising effort rather than result can improve children’s cognitive development and resilience, as noted by scientists from Stanford University.
The Power of Emotional Intelligence
Academic excellence doesn’t always lead to life success. Various studies suggest that emotional intelligence – the ability to manage your own and others’ emotions – has a greater correlation with career success than a high IQ. Children who can properly recognize and express their feelings, understand and relate to the emotions of others, and handle interpersonal relationships judiciously and empathetically are more likely to succeed in their future careers and personal lives.
The Beauty Behind Failures
Despite our instinctive fondness for success, failures are the pillars of our growth. Each misstep offers a learning opportunity and a chance to develop resilience. A 2018 study in the journal Scientific Reports illustrates that learning from failures enhances memory retention and facilitates better decision making in the future. So, instead of focusing solely on achievements, help your child understand that failures are a normal and valuable part of life.
New Avenues for Learning
Non-conventional means of learning are quickly gaining popularity as viable education paths. From the rise of e-learning platforms to home-schooling initiatives, these avenues offer more personalized learning experiences and foster skills that the conventional schooling system may overlook. For instance, apprenticeship or internship programs can steer children towards their desired careers from an early age.
Reframing the Question of Success
Given all these considerations, perhaps a fundamental shift in how we perceive child success is needed. Instead of asking, “Is my child successful?” we might reflect on whether our child is developing into a kind, resilient, and self-aware individual, capable of creatively solving problems and empathetically navigating relationships. Success is a multi-faceted concept, and academia forms just one aspect of it.
The Importance of Kindness
In addition to fostering creativity and emotional intelligence, kindness in children plays a significant role in their personal growth and the development of their societal relationships. In fact, research indicates that kindness not only has a positive impact on the person who receives the act, but also has an observable impact on the well-being and happiness of the individual performing the act of kindness. Cultivating kindness also aids in children’s ability to relate to others, building a sense of empathy and understanding that’s crucial for future relationships.
Encourage Resilience
Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity and adapt in the face of difficulty, an invaluable trait that sets your child up for success in their personal and professional life. Psychologists suggest that resilience isn’t a trait that people either have or do not have, but rather it involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learnt and developed in anyone.
- Nurture positive relationships: provide the child with opportunities to build strong relationships with family members and peers.
- Instil confidence: believe in your child’s abilities, and make sure to communicate your faith in them regularly.
- Foster problem-solving skills: let your child make mistakes and encourage them to find solutions on their own, guiding them only when necessary.
- Model resilience: show your child that life’s challenges are a part of growth and encourage optimism.
The Meaning of Self-Awareness
Encouraging self-awareness can have a profound impact on your child’s life. This is the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions and how they affect their thoughts and behavior. Research has found a high correlation between increased self-awareness and improved emotional intelligence. According to the American Psychological Association, cultivating self-awareness can influence a child’s ability to self-regulate and build stronger relationships, leading to higher chances of success in life.
Beyond Traditional Education

Learning no longer has to be confined to the walls of a classroom. The rise of e-learning platforms and home-schooling initiatives is quickly providing a valuable alternative to traditional education paths.
With technology, your child can experience more personalized and versatile learning experiences. For instance, Edutopia reported that some students have been thriving in remote learning environments due to the flexibility and sense of autonomy they offer.
Internship or apprenticeship programs also offer a great alternative for hands-on learning. These programs not only guide children towards their desired careers from an early age but also provide useful work experience and skills that they can carry with them throughout their careers.
Defining Success Differently
With all these factors in mind, we need to reconsider our perception of success when it comes to raising children. It’s no longer about asking, “Is my child successful in the traditional sense?” Instead, the focus should be, “Is my child developing into an empathetic, resilient, and self-aware individual?” Remember, success shouldn’t be limited to academic achievements, but should also include personal growth, creativity, emotional intelligence, and the ability to forge meaningful relationships.
Paving the Way for Success: The Versatile Space of E-Learning
The boundaries of education have been extended far beyond the traditional classroom setting. With the proliferation of digital learning platforms and home-schooling initiatives, technology is revamping the very essence of how we define schooling.
Through these customizable learning experiences, your child can harness the power of personalized education. An article by Edutopia revealed that many students have been performing exceptionally well with remote learning due to the flexible schedule and the freedom to tailor their studies to their learning patterns.
Apprenticeships: The Classroom of the Real World
Internships and apprenticeship programs offer an innovative approach to education, instilling practical knowledge and useful vocational skills. Not only do these experiences guide children towards a more decisive career path early in their lives, they also arm them with the invaluable experience that can be transferred to various areas throughout their professional journey.
The Future of Success
Considering these monumental shifts in learning and development, it’s high time that we reevaluate our definition of success in children. We should not just ask, “Is my child flourishing according to traditional norms?” But rather, “Is my child developing empathy, resilience, and self-awareness?” It’s essential to understand that success doesn’t solely reside within academic accomplishments, but also expands to personal growth, creativity, emotional wellbeing, and the ability to establish profound relationships.
Final Thoughts: The Wholesome Development of Young Minds
In a world where societal norms and education models are continuously evolving, it’s necessary for parents to adapt in order to foster the best possible environment for their child’s overall development. Valuing aspects like kindness, resilience, emotional intelligence, and innovative learning pathways is paramount to developing a well-rounded individual.
It’s never too late to introduce principles of self-awareness and empathy in your child’s developmental process. Remember that academic success is just a single piece of the puzzle. Embrace the broad spectrum of growth opportunities, as nurturing these qualities is intrinsically linked to raising a confident, successful, and happy child.

This Site Was Inspired By An Interest in Protecting the Environment:
We had the privilege and joy of learning from Dr. Charlie Stine who instilled a love for the natural world through incredible field trips with the Johns Hopkins Odyssey Certificate program in Environmental Studies. At the time, the program was endorsed by the Maryland Department of Natural Resources. Sadly, after Dr. Stine retired, the program was phased out. We hope that we honor his legacy by shining a bright light on environmental issues and sharing good news about the success of various conservation programs when possible.