The Real Consequences of Climate Change on Our Health

Consequences of Climate Change on Health

Heart attacks, miscarriages, encephalitis, pneumonia… Some dedicated researchers are working hard to tie actual health outcomes to climate change events which are expected to only worsen and intensify if policy leaders do not change course. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco and the Natural Resources Defense Council set out to better understand how … Read more

Helping Nemo Find Home: How Underwater “Coral” Concerts Restore Fish Populations to Dying Reefs!

Some exciting research was published in late 2019 by a team of researchers from the UK and Australia looking at how to repopulate damaged coral reefs.1 You might have seen headlines like “To Help Coral Reefs Come Back, Fake It (With Sound) ‘Til Fish Make It”2 or “Scientists Used Loudspeakers to Make Dead Coral Reefs … Read more