Bottled Water: What the FDA Should Have Told You About Companies that Flunked Water Standards


In an eye-opening article, Consumer Reports (CR), the independent consumer advocacy and testing organization has taken on problems with the largely self-policing nature of the bottled water industry, a lack of safety inspections and follow-up by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and failure by companies to report instances when products fail to meet … Read more

Tech Company Makes Water from Thin Air: A Desperately Needed Solution for Drought and Disaster Relief

Water. It seems to be everywhere…until it’s not. While about 71% of the earth’s surface is covered in water,1 30% of our planet’s population live in dry areas. That means 2.5 billion people face droughts and water scarcity.2 Innovative solutions are desperately needed to meet ever-increasing demands for freshwater where it is not easily found. … Read more

Hurricane’s Invisible Victims: NASA Reminds Us of the Toll Polluted Rivers Have on the Ocean

The National Weather Service estimated that Hurricane Florence dumped almost 8 trillion gallons of rain on North Carolina in September 2018 resulting in catastrophic flooding across the state. 1 A NASA satellite tracked the flooding as shown in these remarkable images. The first image above shows the photograph taken by the Landsat 8 earth observation … Read more

In 1970, a Computer Model at MIT Started Crunching Numbers to Predict When Civilization Will Collapse

Illustration of Extreme Drought

  The 50-year anniversary of a scary data analysis project is upon us. In 1970, an international team of researchers at MIT began a project using the most cutting-edge computer simulation program available at the time to predict when earth’s interlocking resources could no longer sustain civilization as we know it.1 The half-century-old MIT analysis … Read more

Old Adults Can Make Just as Many New Brain Cells As Young People

The discovery that healthy, older adults produce just as many new neurons reverses a long-held theory about how our brains grow old and it provides us with some new ideas about how we might keep our brains young and agile. Brain health is an important topic for people once they hit middle age. Like so … Read more