Researchers Are Working Hard To Save Us From Avocado Disappointment

Illustration of Ripe and Overripe avocados

Who hasn’t cringed after coming home from a grocery shop to find that those expensive avocados we thought were going to be ripe and tasty turn out to be duds? Despite learning to feel for that perfect amount of squish when squeezing for ripeness at the store, I still find myself having to toss too … Read more

Sweet William, Not Just Charming, but Kid-Friendly, Too

Sweet William

This is a wonderful plant to share with small children who delight in seeing flowers that are ‘their size”—at least that is how I saw them as a kid. The New York Botanical Garden highlighted the “kid-friendliness” of Sweet William in a lecture they hosted by Bill Calkins, a manager with the Ball Horticultural Company, … Read more

You Really Should Know Where Your Coconut Oil Comes From And Who Harvested It

Southern pig-tail macaque mother with her baby

  This isn’t an article about what kind of cooking oil is healthiest for you. This is an article urging you to make sure that if you buy coconut oil, it comes from a humane and sustainable source. Environmentalists and animal rights activists have done a good job of shedding light on the heartbreaking deforestation … Read more

Dogs Can Be Difficult Teenagers, But They Grow Out of It

Bad dog

I always remember the day O’Riley broke my spirit. He was the first dog I adopted as an adult. When he was about six or seven months old, he became increasingly destructive when I wasn’t home (this was in the days before we knew that crating a dog when you went out could keep it … Read more

Study Finds 5G Networks Have Few Health Impacts in Zebrafish Model: Oregon State University

5G Towers

  5G (which is short for 5th generation cellular mobile communications technology) is the subject of much controversy. A team from Oregon State University (OSU) has published a paper with their findings on 5G safety as tested with zebrafish. For readers who don’t know, zebrafish (Danio rerio) are a favorite proxy for humans in toxicology … Read more

A Possible Link Between Outdoor Light At Night and Adolescent Mental Health?

Residential Area Artificial Light

Artificial outdoor light at night has been the subject of a range of research studies. Within the past few years, it has been “associated with depressive symptoms and suicidal behaviors” by a research team at the University of Seoul1; “significantly related to obesity” by a research team from Korea University College of Medicine2; and a … Read more

Salt Marshes: Your Life and Your Way of Life May Depend on Them

Salt marsh on Delaware coast

  If you live near the sea, chances are your life, home, and/or way of life have already been saved at least once by salt marshes that protect against coastal erosion and mitigate the effects of extreme weather. The daily rhythm of these precious coastal wetlands that are flooded and drained with the tides usually … Read more

A Little Community Food Cupboard with a Big Impact

Community Cupboard

    The community food cupboard in this image may seem small, but for one person or family, it could make a huge difference in getting through the day as they wrestle with the food insecurity ramping up quickly in the U.S. An independent research group at the University of Chicago (NORC) conducted an analysis … Read more