Old Family Cookbooks: A Time Machine Back to Your Grandmother’s Kitchen

Old Family Cookbooks Are Like a Time Machine

Old family cookbooks stuffed with all sorts of extra recipes clipped from newspapers, magazines, and even canned food labels are like a time machine back to our grandmothers and long-lost aunts. You never know what you will find in them!

E.P.A. Files Show Agency’s Approval of Potentially Toxic Fracking Chemicals

Fracking well head pumps

“The E.P.A. in 2011 approved the use of these chemicals, used to ease the flow of oil from the ground, despite the agency’s own grave concerns about their toxicity, according to the documents, which were reviewed by The New York Times.”

Many of us have already won the lottery, we just haven’t realized it…

Lottery Billboard

Even those of us with modest means are living a life that countless people around the world only dream about. When you think about it, you may just realize that you already live like a lottery winner compared to so many people who struggle to have the basics like food, clean water, sanitation, education, and … Read more

My Grandmother’s Kitchen Knife

My grandmother's knife

  My grandmother was born in 1905 and except for a brief time when my grandfather worked in a Detroit factory during World War II, Anna lived her entire life in the Dakotas. I was raised mostly in Texas suburbs and on family visits was always mesmerized by her “old ways” of doing things. On … Read more