Take a Nature Walk In Your Own Backyard or Nearby Park

Camping trips, field trips to botanical gardens, nature walks guided by park rangers, volunteer time at community gardens… For so many of us, spending time in nature has come to mean structured activities away from our homes. You can have some fun with the whole family by simply walking outside and taking a close look … Read more

Jonas Salk Said that Patenting the Polio Vaccine Would be Like Patenting the Sun

Jonas Salk did not patent the polio vaccine

As all of us around the world hold our breath, hoping for a headline announcing a scientific breakthrough in the battle against the novel coronavirus, this seems like a good time to remember a footnote in polio vaccine research: Jonas Salk did not patent the vaccine. Edward R. Murrow, a noted 20th-century broadcast journalist, interviewed Dr. … Read more

Put These Glasses On When You Wake Up In The Morning And Smell The Coffee!

We love sharing stories about people making everyday products with sustainable alternatives to plastic. If you are thinking about some new sunglasses or prescription frames and you love coffee, then the Ochis Coffee line of eyeglasses might be for you. Ochis was founded by Max Havrylenko, who comes from a family that has long been … Read more

“A lake…is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his nature.”

Turning to nature in times of stress… Many of us seek out nature to reduce stress, whether it is returning to a favorite beach for a much deserved annual vacation or a simple daily walk in a park. Since most of us aren’t able to travel right now, I thought it was a good time … Read more

Now Is a Great Time To Sort Through That Old Family Stuff!

Sitting at home with time on your hands?? I did some time travel yesterday. I found myself thinking more and more about “what ifs?” Old pictures and long-forgotten letters from my father’s side of the family had accumulated in my attic. I’d long realized much of it would only mean something to me and it … Read more

Why You Touch Your Face and, Hands Down, Some Great Ways to Stop

Medical leaders worldwide have warned people to avoid touching their face as a crucial way to prevent the spread of coronavirus. Long before we ever thought about COVID-19, the novel coronavirus, public health professionals cautioned that many respiratory tract infections were thought to be transmitted by touching our eyes, mouth and/or nostrils after our hands … Read more

Questions for a Loved One Before It’s Too Late

Losing my mother unexpectedly has led to numerous instances where I’ve longed to reach out, wishing to engage in conversations and exchange thoughts about the experiences I encounter in my day. For instance, after a challenging day at work, I often find myself yearning to inquire of my mom, “How on earth did you manage … Read more

The Real Consequences of Climate Change on Our Health

Consequences of Climate Change on Health

Heart attacks, miscarriages, encephalitis, pneumonia… Some dedicated researchers are working hard to tie actual health outcomes to climate change events which are expected to only worsen and intensify if policy leaders do not change course. Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco and the Natural Resources Defense Council set out to better understand how … Read more

Spectacular Video of Sperm Whales Communicating with Divers Using Clicking Noises

Imagine swimming in the open ocean with the world’s largest predator without the aid of any scuba breathing equipment. This is what a dedicated group of citizen scientists is doing as they try to understand how sperm whales communicate. Writer James Nestor joined them and shares some amazing video of sperm whales during a welcoming … Read more