A Little Community Food Cupboard with a Big Impact

Community Cupboard

    The community food cupboard in this image may seem small, but for one person or family, it could make a huge difference in getting through the day as they wrestle with the food insecurity ramping up quickly in the U.S. An independent research group at the University of Chicago (NORC) conducted an analysis … Read more

Are People Constantly Annoyed With You Because You Don’t Eat Meat?

Woman Annoyed with You

There are all kinds of beliefs wrapped up in a decision to pursue a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle. The attitudes vegetarians and vegans encounter from people around them can be complex. I grew up in an Army household and one of the benefits was we bought our groceries at a post commissary which, by law, … Read more

Learning to Coexist with Urban Wildlife (They Could Probably Write the Same Kind of Article About Humans!)

Backyard Raccoons

  Reporter Alex Brown has written some interesting articles profiling the increase in urban wildlife in cities like Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Seattle. Initiatives in those cities to better coexist with urban wildlife are representative of what is going on across North America. As Brown states, “Most research on urban wildlife has taken place only … Read more

Here Is One Way To Feel Better About What’s Going On In Our Mad and Scary World

Active Hope

One of my favorite environmental activists is also one of my favorite philosophers: Joanna Macy is an ecophilosopher. She has written over a dozen books and travels extensively to share her thinking in workshops and lectures on topics that include ecological awareness, personal and social change, as well as spiritual issues. Macy calls the “empowerment … Read more

What’s a Citizen Scientist and How Can You Become One?

Citizen scientist using binoculars

Do you have a passion for the environment, but work in a totally different field and wish you could somehow still contribute to better understanding of issues like climate change or protection of endangered species? Are you looking for interesting activities to do with your kids that might nourish potential lifelong interest in conservation? Do … Read more

5 (Easy) Steps To Change Your LIFEstyle – One Person’s Success Story

My friend kept trying different exercise programs, but nothing seemed to stick. Some soul searching reminded her that her happiest exercise days were 20 years before when she did extensive bicycle touring. Rather than thinking it would be impossible to regain the fitness that came with that pastime, she decided to immerse herself in bicycle … Read more

Can You Really Manage Anxiety and Stress by Adjusting Your Mindset?

Stress. Anxiety. Even before coronavirus, stress was a prominent fixture in our society. A Gallup “World Emotions Report” was based on interviews in 2019 with over 150,000 adults in more than 140 countries to gain a snapshot of how people around the world assessed their positive and negative daily experiences.1 The report found stress levels … Read more

Jonas Salk Said that Patenting the Polio Vaccine Would be Like Patenting the Sun

Jonas Salk did not patent the polio vaccine

As all of us around the world hold our breath, hoping for a headline announcing a scientific breakthrough in the battle against the novel coronavirus, this seems like a good time to remember a footnote in polio vaccine research: Jonas Salk did not patent the vaccine. Edward R. Murrow, a noted 20th-century broadcast journalist, interviewed Dr. … Read more

“A lake…is earth’s eye; looking into which the beholder measures the depth of his nature.”

Turning to nature in times of stress… Many of us seek out nature to reduce stress, whether it is returning to a favorite beach for a much deserved annual vacation or a simple daily walk in a park. Since most of us aren’t able to travel right now, I thought it was a good time … Read more