11 Ways to Strengthen Your Hips

One of the number one complaints of exercising adults – especially runners – in today’s world is a complaint of hip pain. Statistics show that over 175,000 hip replacements are performed annually each year.  Here are eleven ways you can strengthen your hips and work to prevent hip failure as you age. Stretch Regularly Regular … Read more

Signs You’re Eating Too Many Carbs

Food items in a community food cupboard

Everyone knows a balanced diet is a key to good health, but knowing is often different than doing. It’s easy to say “I’m going to eat healthier”, but how does one go about finding a healthy and doable balance when it comes to eating well? The main dietary challenge that most people face today in … Read more

How to Combine Yoga and Weight Training


At first glance, yoga and weight training can seem like polar opposite forms of exercise. Yoga brings visions of calm peacefulness, while weight training often brings visions of athletes struggling to bench those extra 10 pounds on the weight bench. The truth is, though, that both yoga and weight training focus largely on the same … Read more

10 Exercise Cheats to Burn More Calories


People often make fitness more difficult than it is. Truth be told, there’s no “quick fix” for better health, and there’s no easy way to a fit and healthy body. You are what you eat, and calories in vs. calories out determines whether you’ll gain, maintain or lose weight. However, there are things you can … Read more

Eating Curry Three Times a Week Can Increase Your Lifespan


Curry is rapidly gaining recognition as a rising international superfood. Research studies have highlighted the remarkable health advantages associated with curry, including its potential to boost metabolism, alleviate arthritis discomfort, and contribute to the fight against heart disease. A recent study has brought to light the potential of curried foods in extending one’s lifespan. An … Read more

10 Delicious Lamb Chop Recipes

Lamb meat is not as popular as it likely should be among meat lovers. Organic, grass-fed lamb meat boasts heart-healthy omega-3 fats, a hefty amount of protein and potassium to boot. Lamb is a deliciously tender meat, falling somewhere in between a ribeye steak and a salmon steak in terms of tenderness, and the flavor … Read more

Food for Pain Relief

Human Leg Bone

Back pain is possibly one of the worst types of pain you can experience. It affects how you use the rest of your body, makes it difficult to get the physical movement and activity you need, and can often lead to pain in your legs or other extremities.  However, there are quite a few side … Read more

Peanut Allergies

Being a parent is tough. Whether you are on your first or your 10th child, parenting advice and wisdom seems to change on a nearly daily basis. What was done a decade ago or even one year ago is now considered dangerous. However, all of this information can help you make better choices for your … Read more

Protein and muscle tone

Scientist holding cultured mean in laboratory

Aging often brings various changes, but not all of them are as desirable as the wisdom acquired through a long life. One of the unwelcome aspects of aging is the associated decline in muscle strength and mass, which can lead to an increased risk of injuries and fractures. Preventing muscle and bone issues in elderly … Read more

Smoothie Roundup

Smoothies are all the rage right now, but that’s not why you should be drinking one every day. Rather, you should be enjoying a cold smoothie every day because of the huge amount of health benefits you can gain. Smoothies allow you to take in more fruits and vegetables than you might if you were … Read more