Dogs Are Too Good For Us

Filax, a WWI Mercy Dog

  Dogs are too good for us. Throughout history, people have asked dogs to perform dangerous duties with the goal of risking canine lives in place of human lives. Dogs have answered with courage and loyalty. The photograph above entitled, “Dogs in Humanity’s Service” a World War One Red Cross dog named “Filax” is shown … Read more

Looking at Old Novelty Photos from the Animal’s Point of View

Photograph shows three puppies with a scale

  I used to collect old photographs and postcards from the late 1800s/early 1900s and especially liked silly animal pictures. The photos were usually a bit faded, and I don’t think I ever really looked into the eyes of the various critters who were immortalized in the cute photos. Recently, my feeling about the photos … Read more

Did You Ever Wonder What Sea Turtles Do During Hurricanes?

Photo of Loggerhead Sea Turtle

Realizing they were sitting on a mountain of data, NOAA Fisheries researchers sifted through location and dive records of satellite-tracked sea turtles, as well as weather buoy data along a stretch of the Mid-Atlantic that had been gathered as a hurricane tracked its way through the sea turtles’ seasonal territory. As Leah Crowe, a biologist … Read more

Where Should Your Family Consider Living to Lessen the Impact of Climate Change?

Image of child on dry lake

Conversations with friends and family about the best places to live to avoid the harsh impacts of climate change are becoming more regular and less abstract in my corner of the world. Even if I may not live to see the worst of what’s likely, it is hard to put aside worries about what kind … Read more

There’s Something About Squirrels…People Either Love Them or Hate Them

Collage of squirrel memorabilia

  I have a thing about old family cookbooks. They are a kind of time capsule about the women in my family. Stuffed with newspaper clippings of recipes, grocery lists, and even an occasional letter stashed for safekeeping, they are a treasury of hints about grandmothers and aunts. It wasn’t until I was going through … Read more

Here Is An Idea For A Simple Catio From A Screened Porch

Cats in Catio

Our cats were constantly asking to go outside. We never gave in to their plaintive cries because a) we loved the abundant birdlife in our neighborhood and b) we lived on a busy street. Fortunately, we have a very creative cousin who loves to surprise us with projects around the house. One day, we came … Read more

Sweet William, Not Just Charming, but Kid-Friendly, Too

Sweet William

This is a wonderful plant to share with small children who delight in seeing flowers that are ‘their size”—at least that is how I saw them as a kid. The New York Botanical Garden highlighted the “kid-friendliness” of Sweet William in a lecture they hosted by Bill Calkins, a manager with the Ball Horticultural Company, … Read more

You Really Should Know Where Your Coconut Oil Comes From And Who Harvested It

Southern pig-tail macaque mother with her baby

  This isn’t an article about what kind of cooking oil is healthiest for you. This is an article urging you to make sure that if you buy coconut oil, it comes from a humane and sustainable source. Environmentalists and animal rights activists have done a good job of shedding light on the heartbreaking deforestation … Read more

Dogs Can Be Difficult Teenagers, But They Grow Out of It

Bad dog

I always remember the day O’Riley broke my spirit. He was the first dog I adopted as an adult. When he was about six or seven months old, he became increasingly destructive when I wasn’t home (this was in the days before we knew that crating a dog when you went out could keep it … Read more