5 Meals to Build Muscle

Breakfast Ideas for Strong Bones and Osteoporosis Prevention Osteoporosis is a major concern, the older you get. It causes your bones to become more brittle, increasing the likelihood of broken bones. You probably already know that vitamin D and calcium are the best nutrients for strengthening your bones. Getting more of these nutrients will help prevent osteoporosis and other bone related problems. While you could take a multi-vitamin, the healthier solution is to eat meals filled with nutrients. As it turns out, some of the foods containing the highest levels of calcium, vitamin D, and other vital nutrients are essential breakfast foods. Orange juice, cereal, milk, and yogurt are all great sources of healthy nutrients. If you prefer to keep your breakfast light, or already have a set morning meal, salmon and various cheese are also good options for getting vitamin D and calcium. Nutrient Rich Breakfast Ideas Take a look at each of these breakfast options and try to choose one for each day of the week. Also notice the included calcium content of each meal, when picking out your breakfast: • 1 cup of calcium-rich cereal (500 milligrams of calcium) • 8 ounces of soy milk (80 to 500 milligrams) • 1 cup of milk (300 milligrams) • 1 cup of yogurt (300 to 400 milligrams) • 8 ounces of orange juice (200 to 340 milligrams) Various cheeses, and even eggs, have vitamin D and calcium; though, in smaller amounts than the items listed above. Consider having a cheesy omelet or scrambled eggs served with a glass of milk or orange juice. That alone would likely add up to at least 500 milligrams of calcium. Searching for Your Own Calcium Rich Foods The foods listed may not include your preferred breakfast choices. When searching for your own calcium rich foods, pay attention to the food labels. Food labels often list calcium and other nutrients as a percentage of the daily recommended value. The standard recommended amount of calcium that an adult should consume each day is 1000 milligrams. So, if a food label states that the product as 25% of your daily recommended value of calcium per serving, it would have 250 mg of calcium. Add another decimal point to the end of the percentage, and you have your total per serving in milligrams. Additional Tips for Stronger Bones Along with a healthy breakfast, there are a few other tips you should follow for stronger bones. If you have already been diagnosed with osteoporosis, then you should consume 500 milligrams of calcium, three times a day. Make sure that each of your three meals is full of calcium to reverse the effects of osteoporosis. Strength training is another method that you can use for building bone strength. Regular exercise helps increase your flexibility, build muscle, and promotes stronger bone growth. The bottom line is that the key to strong bones is calcium and vitamin D. Get it any way you can, but preferably with your morning meal. Start basing your breakfasts around healthy foods that contain your essential nutrients, such as cereal, milk, and yogurt. Ward away osteoporosis and promote strong, healthy bones. References: http://www.webmd.com/osteoporosis/living-with-osteoporosis-7/diet-nutrition

While eating complex carbohydrates will help give you an energy boost for your day, eating protein packed meals will help you build muscle.  Eating an adequate amount of protein necessary to aid in building muscle doesn’t have to mean scarfing down a sirloin steak three times a day. There are many protein packed foods that … Read more

Processed Salt and Autoimmune


Autoimmune disorders are some of the most difficult to diagnose and treat in the medical world. They are typically chronic, as there are very few therapies available for attacking malfunctioning immune cells without also attacking the immune system directly.  In addition, there seems to be some genetic link with these diseases. However, one researcher put … Read more

Natural Leg Hair Removal

One of the joys of being a woman is hair removal. Smooth skin feels and looks great, but it can be difficult to achieve, particularly if you don’t like using dangerous chemicals on your skin. If you are looking for natural ways to get rid of unwanted leg hair, learn more about natural remedies that … Read more

Strength Exercises for a Cardio Workout


Working out can be a bore, and many of us, honestly, prefer to get our workouts over as soon as possible. By combining your strength exercises with some cardio work, you can kill two birds with one stone by getting your daily exercise yet shortening your workout time in the process.  Here are five ways … Read more

Hours of Sleep Needed

 The common cold is one of the most obnoxious illnesses that sweeps the country every fall and winter. It may not be particularly dangerous or painful, but there’s nothing you can do to get rid of it besides wait it out. Instead of looking for cold cures in a couple months, learn how you can … Read more

Wearing Heels

The things we take pleasure in are not always aligned with what is best for our well-being. High heels serve as a prime example; they can inflict serious and painful damage to your feet, yet many women opt to wear them on a daily basis. If you’ve found it challenging to part with your high … Read more

Overnight Oats Recipe


Oatmeal, at one point the most popular breakfast food in the United States, seems to have fallen out of fashion in recent years. However, it is more important to eat oats as part of your daily routine now than it ever was before. Oats are one of the most belly friendly foods you can eat, … Read more

Matcha Recipe Roundup


How is it possible that researchers have uncovered dozens and dozens of health benefits of green tea, yet most people still rarely or never drink this super beverage? If you knew that there was a drink that could boost your metabolism, help you lose weight, reduce your risk of cancer, and regulate your sleep schedule, … Read more