Artificial Intelligence Discovers Supernova Without Human Intervention

In a historic milestone for astrophysics, artificial intelligence (AI) has achieved a monumental feat – autonomously discovering, confirming, classifying, and announcing the discovery of a supernova, without any human intervention.  This groundbreaking achievement is credited to the Bright Transient Survey Bot (BTSbot), a cutting-edge AI tool developed by an international team of scientists. BTSbot leverages … Read more

Uncontacted Amazon Tribe Are Revealed for the First Time in Stunning Drone Footage

These are some of the Unseen Photos and Images of the North Sentinel Island and the Lifestyle of Sentinelese Tribes. They are Untouched from last 60,000 Years. They are Living in this North Sentinel Island and totally unaware of the Other part of the World.

The Simulation Hypothesis: Are We Living in a Computer Program?

Have you ever considered that the reality you perceive could be nothing more than pixels on a screen? According to a philosophical argument published in 2003, known as the simulation hypothesis, there is a possibility that our existence is just a sophisticated model on a computer. In other words, if humanity develops the ability to … Read more

Unraveling the Emergence of Consciousness in Infants: A Comprehensive Exploration 


The enigma of when and how consciousness blossoms in infants has intrigued scientists for generations. This fundamental question probes the depths of neuroscience and philosophy, challenging researchers to discern the precise juncture when a web of neurons transitions from sensing to perceiving the world.  This article delves into recent groundbreaking research conducted by a collaborative … Read more

Amazing Discovery Claims Elephants Have Specific ‘Names’ For Each Other

Recent study led by the Colorado State University has now suggested that wild African elephants might use distinct calls – the equivalent of elephant names – to identify each other.

Incredible Footage Shows Guard Dogs Protecting Sheep from Puma Attack

The footage of a puma hunting sheep was captured with thermal imaging cameras in the Patagonian wilderness as part of a new National Geographic show.

New York Public Library Brings 100-Year-Old Life Hacks Back into the Spotlight

The wisdom, “Those unable to recall history are doomed to relive it,” articulated by philosopher George Santayana, holds significance even in our technologically advanced era. Remarkably, the New York Public Library has brought a piece of the past to the digital forefront by digitizing 100 “How to Do It” cards, originally found in cigarette boxes … Read more

Microchip: The Promise of a Month-Long Battery Life for Smartphones

Smartphones could one day “last a month” before running out of power
The new microchip is so efficient that the devices only need to be charged 12 times a year