The Bottle Trick: an Inexpensive Way to Make Toilets Sparkle

Have you been struggling to keep your toilet clean and smelling fresh? We have a simple trick that not only ensures the hygiene of your toilet but also saves you money! Let’s dive into the details. The Bottle Method: An Easy and Effective Way to Clean the Toilet Bowl Before we get started, there’s a … Read more

How Walnuts Fight Cancer

Woman With Cancer Reading A Book

It’s a wonder that more people don’t rely on nuts for their main source of nutrition, given how many health benefits you can enjoy when you eat different types of nuts. Consider walnuts as an example. Walnuts have been used for hundreds of years to treat a huge variety of disorders and health problems, from … Read more

Kissing Dog Probiotics

Dog sleeping with its human

Remember when you were a kid and everyone would comment on how a dog’s mouth is so much cleaner than a human’s? Turns out that dogs’ mouths aren’t quite as clean as you think, but that’s actually a good thing. A recent study looked at the effects of kissing your dog on your probiotic levels. … Read more

How to Combine Yoga and Weight Training


At first glance, yoga and weight training can seem like polar opposite forms of exercise. Yoga brings visions of calm peacefulness, while weight training often brings visions of athletes struggling to bench those extra 10 pounds on the weight bench. The truth is, though, that both yoga and weight training focus largely on the same … Read more

Natural Leg Hair Removal

One of the joys of being a woman is hair removal. Smooth skin feels and looks great, but it can be difficult to achieve, particularly if you don’t like using dangerous chemicals on your skin. If you are looking for natural ways to get rid of unwanted leg hair, learn more about natural remedies that … Read more

Yoga for Menstruation


Not only does yoga build strength, teach mindfulness, and improve your flexibility, it can help you navigate through pain and discomfort. In fact, yoga is one of the most popular workout routines when it comes to conditions like menstruation. The cramps and bloating associated with this time of the month can be made much easier … Read more